Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I believe the older we get break ups only become more difficult to deal with. We take more thought into the people we choose as partners, the relationships are often more serious, and then when it falls apart, the failure feels a lot more heavier. It’s the opposite of most things in life, with more experience breaks ups become a lot more difficult to get through.

A recent study published by the Journal of Neurophysiology gives us a little more insight into why. Study shows a break up has similar affects on the brain as cocaine addiction. Crazy right? The thought behind this is Love is more of an addition then an actual feeling. Researchers found obsession and heartache caused by unrequited love stimulates the same areas of the brain as cocaine addicts experiencing physical pain while going through a withdrawal. Anyone who’s been through a break up can see the validity in this study. The shit is hard to kick! And there really is nothing you can do but try to get through it. Ideally we are all just freaking addicts. Love and relationships are about getting that high. Feeling invincible. Seeing life in a whole new perspective. 

The main lesson to learn from this study is that to get through a break up you got to treat it like an addiction. Stalking, sending love letters, phone calls, and begging to get back aint going to work. COLD TURKEY!! Cut it off!! And get through the pain! Maybe also we all can have a little more sympathy for our over dramatic friend constantly crying while staring at old pictures. She's a junkie, going through withdrawal. The good news is, the study show as time passes the brain activity decreased when subjects looked at a picture of their old love. In some ways love is just a fixation of the brain. In due time my friends… In due time.

To ready the full article click HERE

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