Thursday, June 10, 2010


Last weekend I interviewed my parents about their relationship in comparison to relationships today (More about that tomorrow!!).  My father mentioned that living in Los Angeles was a factor in my search for a partner. As much as I have heard this before I still didn’t believe it could be that much of an issue. My parents laughed as if it was some dirty little joke that is only understood with maturity.

“ Los Angeles destroys any rational sense of opportunity”.

But there are single black women in all cities complaining. But… my dating experience in Italy was a lot different then LA…and my girlfriends in NY often socialize and date more often then me… How much does location have to do with it?

Specific types of men LA women complain about came to mind. As much as Los Angeles is the home of “the beautiful people” the following list are of the most unattractive men Los Angeles has to offer.

As we have seen in the HBO series, the guys that come with The Guy think that’s enough to get a date. Sure, there are tons of women who are down to hang out in the pool of a celebrity or party at his exclusive after-hours. When you’re 25 and from LA the whole scene gets really old. You become more interested in finding an E then Finnie but Drama and Turtle never change. As long as he gets to live in a crazy crib and drive fancy cars, you’re still going to find him way into his 40’s spitting game to whoever is willing to listen.

The Dieter
As much as lazy overweight men are unattractive I think men obsessed about their weight are just as nasty. The worst is going out on a date and the man refuses the breadbasket because he’s “Phase One of South Beach”. Once I had a crush on the actor of a film I worked on. It was over when he requested sugar free yogurt for the scene where he licked yogurt off of his wife’s nose because he was “limiting carbohydrates in his diet”. The production stopped for an hour so a PA could find the right type of yogurt for the scene. The crazy thing about LA is that Mr. Dieter comes in all sizes and shapes. The good-looking recent transplant and the chubby graphic designer all have dreams of having abs like Taye Diggs. As women, we have our own body issues. We really don’t need to worry about yours.

The Lier
Everyone comes to LA to “be something”. The sad thing is it can takes years for people to realize they were already something before they got here. Regardless of what he has or has not done in his career, some men who are still figuring it out often feel like they have to lie about it. His age, where he lives, where he works. When men say they are “actors” often are “extras”. Men who are “consultants” are often “out of work” and 32 is most likely 36. The crazy thing is so many people out here are “trying to make it”. The guy willing to tell the truth about whom he is and what he wants to accomplish most likely wins.

The 40yr old PA
Just. Stop. Now.

He was featured on SATC but I can’t help but think I run into him more in LA. He wears pink oxfords and loves manicures. He screams “stop it” when he laughs too hard and just when you are convinced he’s interested in your gay best friend, he’s all over you refusing to let you leave without giving him your number. He’s confusing as hell but confident in his sexuality. He just happens to be a bit feminine. Unless you are a woman who doesn’t care about the stares and can still find a man who loves a good sale more than you sexy, this guy is a little hard to take home to Mom.

The Straight Gay Guy
Now this one I think is more confusing then the Gay Straight Guy. He’s strong, fine, and oozes masculinity. He opens the door for you wherever you go. Takes you to your favorite restaurants and even comes over without any hesitation when you need help hanging curtains. He’s perfect…expect hat he’s interested in men. The difference between this guy and the one before hand is you actually want to take him home to Mom. You fantasize about converting him and wonder if he just hasn’t experienced the right woman. Any control freak that hates the word no can get caught up in making him their little project.

There’s got to be versions of all of these men in every Metropolitan city but I wonder if the quantity of them in Los Angeles makes it just a little bit harder for a woman like me.

Are these type of men specific if Los Angeles? And if so how important is where you live when it comes to dating? 


  1. Well written Aireka. As a straight man who does not subscribe to any of the archetypes listed (although who would really claim to be any of these men?), I find this whole conversation fascinating. Didn't realize it's been that difficult, or maybe I have and I've been ignoring the mater. Regardless I hate to see such great women struggling to find a great man. Shall I give out my number?

  2. I don't subscribe to "a good man is hard to find". There are plenty out there. I'm just anxious to meet MINE. Ive been lucky enough to date good men. And have dated some crazies. Just ready to find HIM. And the good ones don't show up all the time. They wouldn't be good right?

  3. In my heart of hearts I am a social relativist. Thus I figure every place holds its own patent on their particular brand of crazy.
    But no matter where you are, kissing frogs suck >MAJOR< whether you're in Bali, Philly, LA, or Mississippi.

    A frog is a frog, and a prince is a prince in any city.

  4. Agreed! Do you agree that your prince and my prince are different? We are all have different wants and needs but I don't know many people who are aware of their wants/needs are the difference between the two. Once you get that down, hopefully you got a lot less frogs to get through.
